Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hello, My Name is Lindsy (aka Grouchy Pants)

I promised myself when I started this blog that I wouldn't write when I was emotionally unstable.  I didn't want it to become an angst-y teenage rant blog (although I am several years out of my teens).  Thus, I haven't really written much this week.

I've been particularly angry and irritated lately.  I've also been sleep deprived which doesn't help my functioning with stress-related tasks.  I am rather unhappy with my job this year.  I am doing more work in my 4th year of teaching than I have done in the past three years (and the past three years have been far from easy).  While I work in the same schools and I still teach Spanish, each year has been different.  I have spent countless hours making new lesson plans only to have the next year come and be told that I am teaching another section or they are changing my 9-week class to a semester class.  I teach six periods per day.  Out of those six, three periods per day I am teaching more than one class at a time.  In total, I have 5 classes to prepare lessons for each night (7th Grade, 8th Grade, Spanish I, Spanish II and Spanish III/IV).  My day is made a little longer by the fact that I work 40 minutes away from home.

I understand why 50% of teachers leave the profession within 5 years of teaching.  I expected my first year to be tough, but I haven't gotten a break yet.

I don't intend for this post to make any of my readers feel sorry for me!  I knew what I was getting into when I signed up for this.  However, I am getting worn out and apathetic.  I feel like I'm getting jaded.  I feel like I could work a lot less hard and make a lot more money doing something else.  I think the extra task of trying to plan a wedding is making it even harder.  While the past four years I have devoted solely to my students, I want to spend some of my evenings planning things for myself.  I would like some time to pretend that I haven't let my job completely control my life.

Anyways!  The next couple of months will be interesting as I decide what I want to do with myself as the next school year approaches.  I am really hoping to find a job in Manhattan.  I would be 10 minutes from work.  I wouldn't spend $200 a month on gasoline for my car.  I would teach 5 periods per day, have 1-2 classes to prepare for and I would make more money.  It seems like the change that I am looking desperate for. If a position doesn't come open, then I have a gamble/choice to make.  A choice that must be decided by May 1st or else I am locked in again next year.

Thanks for listening to my whiny butt!

Has anyone felt like wedding planning has made everyday tasks a little more complicated/less enjoyable?  Anyone been really unhappy with a job and took the risk to find something new?

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